Welcome to Chilliwack Central Elementary Community School

Located in the heart of downtown Chilliwack, Central school has been educating the citizens of our city for almost 100 years. We have some wonderful plans for this school year. We will continue to work together for health, safety and ongoing learning.

Territorial Acknowledgement 

Ey Kw’esé e’mí, Ts’elxwéyeqw, Pélolhxw qas te Sémá:th, mestíyeqw te xáxa témexw, ewólem qas syóys.

It is good that you are here, we are honoured to work, play and learn on the sacred territory of the Ts’elxwéyeqw (Chilliwack), Pil’alt and Sémá:th (Sumas) peoples.

We honour and acknowledge our shared history, live in the present and look to the future to guide all teaching and learning. Central Elementary is located in the heart of the Stó:lō territory. Surrounded by the Ts’elxwéyeqw (Chilliwack), Pil’alt and Sémá:th (Sumas) peoples who refer to this land as S’ólh Téméxw (our world). It is a place where the fresh waters meet and flow into the Híkw Stó:lō (Fraser River). Elders share that this is the place where dug-out canoes were “going back upstream . . . as far as they can go.” The word Chilliwack is derived from the Halq’eméylem word Ts’elxwéyeqw. Central acknowledges the land, those who nurtured, take care of it, teachings from it, and those who it belongs to. We are here to learn on, from and about with respect to all. 

Central Elementary School Culture

  • We believe that all students are capable of learning. 

  • We believe that every student, staff and family is giving us their best self. 

  • We believe in connection and relationship with students, families, and staff. 

  • We believe that we are collectively responsible for the success of each student.

Sthéqi XETÁM Sq’ó
Sockeye SWIM together