Central Elementary is pleased to launch our whole school book club called "One School, One Book" once more on January 20, 2025. The book selected for this year is "The Umbrella Maker’s Son" by Katrina Leno and every Central family will receive a complimentary copy of this book, thanks to a generous donation from the PAC.
With the "One School, One Book" program, we aim to foster a community of readers within our school community. Everyone - students, parents, teachers, even administrative staff - will be participating and we can all reap the benefits.
Throughout January and February, families are encouraged to read together each night (approximately 15 minutes). A copy of the reading schedule can be found below and was also sent home with your book. Alternatively, we invite you to listen to the recorded reading (read by Central teachers and staff) from this page. Each morning, students will be invited to answer daily trivia questions to encourage attentive listening while your family is reading together. You will soon find that your child takes pride in knowing and anticipating the details of the story. As we read this book, students will have opportunities to apply what they're learning about the characters and events in the book to a variety of fun activities in the library.
"One School, One Book" is a novel program that includes children at all grade levels listening and/or reading the same book. Strange or daring as that may seem, it actually makes sound educational sense. Reading professionals recommend reading material out loud that is beyond a child's own reading level and when a whole school reads a book there's a lot to talk about. With your help we can continue to foster a Community of Readers at Central Elementary.
Good Luck! We hope everyone will be excited to follow this story!