Central has a StrongStart Program!

StrongStart BC early learning programs provide school-based early learning services for adults and their young children, aged birth to five, at no cost to families.  Both children and adults can benefit from StrongStart BC early learning programs – children have access to high-quality learning environments and benefit from social interactions while the adults who accompany them learn new ways to support learning, both at the program and at home.

Qualified early childhood educators lead learning activities, including stories, music and art to help children get ready for success in kindergarten.

Parents and caregivers attending StrongStart BC programs can expect to participate in organized sessions like story time, art and play activities.

Here is the link with more information and how to register: https://earlylearning.sd33.bc.ca/strongstart

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.